Friday, February 24, 2023

 The Briny Maid took to the sky the evening after finishing unloading her library into the small village square and talking to the folks at the small tavern. Jasmine was wanting to explore more of the area where that young Dragon had attacked the ship, and to see if perhaps it was chased away for good, or if it was just biding its time to attack again if another ship passed through its territory.  

Less than a day, the Maid was over the area where the attack happened, and to Jasmine’s dismay, wreckage of another ship floated, scattered, over the surface of the sea. She had the Briny Maid lower to the surface, yet not settle into the water, and began a search, and possibly rescue any of the survivors. Which, to her apparent relief, were also scattered around, clinging to various flotsam from the ship they had been on.  

The Maid was able to find six sailors, and various floating goods that were able to be salvaged. The downed ship had been a trade ship, full of textiles, such as cloth, threads, needles, looms and other various clothier’s accoutrements. The men were fed, cleaned up, and set to help on the Maid, until they were allowed to shore. Jasmine was glad for the small bit of help on the ship, and Smitty took note of how well the saved ones settled into a familiar routine.  

Once the salvageable was salvaged, they took to the sky once more, seeking the sign of the Oceanic Dragon. For two days, they sailed, and no sign became apparent, even the Mers were unable to catch sign of any large predator in that area where the larger ones could be. The only things they found were multiple ship wrecks at the bottom of the sea.  

Smitty went to the aft of the ship, where Jasmine sat on the railing, watching the clouds trail behind, “Captain. I don’t think we need to stay out here. The hold is full of salvage, the men are talking about how much they liked the Taverns in that little port city. Plus, don’t you have some obligations as well?” his voice was gruff, but she was accustomed to that. She’d known Smitty for centuries.  

“Aye, Smitty. I do. WE do. We’ll make port at the Claw docks on the morrow. Have the helmsman steer us back around. We can report of our findings, and lack thereof, as well. Give everyone an extra grog tonight. Tomorrow, they get to go ashore again.” She rubbed at the back of her neck, “Send the wreck survivors to my cabin. I need to make them the deal.” Her voice, ever that low, calm monotone, seemed to smooth over Smitty’s gruffness.  

“Will do, Captain...” He turned to go fetch the new men, then turned on his heel, “Jas...” He started, then shook his head, “Nevermind. We can discuss other business after we make landfall.” He then turned back to his task at hand. 

Jasmine soon slid from the railing of the Aft, and made her way to her cabin, where a few of the men stood, waiting. “Men, please, enter. I have a deal for you, one that you may never get from any other.” She opened the cabin door, and ushered them in. She went inside, and waited for the remaining survivors. 

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