Saturday, February 25, 2023

Something Strange Happened on the Way to the Hot Springs (Alex Jasmine and Jaku)

Jasmine, having landed earlier, and her men scattered to the four winds, made her way to the bridge and the hot springs... however... She soon hears shouting: "Stop! Noooo! Enough.... Enough!" Alex bashes his own head against the wall of the bridge. some unseen voice screams back at him and then laughs. The man steels himself, gripping the raining as hard as he could while several tendrils try to drag him foraward. She freezes at the mouth of the covered bridge, and stares hard at the conflict going on. She narrows her eyes, and rests hands on the hilts of her swords, "OY, What's this on about??" she shouts across the bridge.

Jaku looked up, as he heard screaming in between his thunderous hammering. His brows furrowed as he looked in the direction of the noise. "Faka..." he grumbled as he dropped his tongs and headed out of the forge, hammer in hand as he twisted it in his grip. Once he got to the bridge, he'd realize some had beat him to the confrontation "What's goin' on 'ere..." he asked as he tilted his head to look at the entity across the way...

Alex looked up, a feminine voice laughs over his and says something about killing his friends. "Lady! run! run... please!" He holds himself back up, claws slowly grinding themselves to dust against the rail.

Jasmine 's ears twitched as Jaku approached, then looked at Alex, a smile crossed her face, "Beware who you call 'lady'" She said in a low, calm monotone, toward Alex "Whoever spoke of killing 'friends'.." She called out, in that same calm monotone, "Better check to see if there are any to kill. Name yourself." She shifted her stance, and took a hand off of one sword, and placed it on a bottle at her hip. The bottle had a white capper, and seemed to lift of its own accord toward her hand.

 "Oi..." Jaku said sternly as he took a couple steps forward, eyes squinting before they widened up, realizing who was across the way. The big man looked confused as he heard the voice. It was coming from his direction but he didn't sound like this... Even the way he stood. He'd grunt as walked up and stood next to Jasmine "Ah do know what's goin' on wit him... he es usually nice 'n quiet..." he said in a lowered tone before he raised his voice to the man "Oi, Old man! Ets seemin' like ya need someone else ta play de Doc fer ya this time... come...." he'd motion for him to cross the bridge "De aunties will try 'n help ya..."

In a game show like delivery, the female voice calls out "My Stupid little pet name given by this maggoooot isssss elenooooor!  Hehaaahahahahaaaa" Suddenly the struggling of the body stops. "J...Jaku...? big guy... Thank the gods..." He looks up, his rolled white eyes widen with genuine horror "JAKU! DON'T YOU DARE LET ME CROSS THAT BRIDGE." The feminine voice lets out a sickening laughter "Look..." Alex takes a breath "At...At least let me say goodbye... Before..." Alex speaks. The feminine voice falls silent until he is done. "Have i *ever* lied to you Elenore? Its a simple compromise... let these two live... You know full well its only a matter of time before we are both put down... With how damaged we are... You can keep at least one of your promises this way..." After a long and awkward silence the feminine voice retorts "Alright, we will fix the overgrown worm's fucking foot. then you are mine. leg is fucked anyways so who cares right?"

Jasmine was very aware of Jaku looming over her behind her, but she stood her ground. In fact, the air around her began to chill, and the shadows of the covered bridge pulled toward her as well. She plucked the relatively small bottle (about 4oz) from the holder on her hip. "Hold" She said quietly to Jaku, "This is something you don't want near the Aunties." She looked back to "Elanor" and glared, "Name. Yourself" She said again with a little more force, then paused, "What is going on here?" She took her thumb off the capper of the bottle, and prepared to pop it, and give the entity a nice little shower... and then she advanced a step onto the bridge. 

Jaku grunted a bit as he now heard the familiar voice. He looked confused as all hell. It wasn't until now he heard the woman address him. Something in her tone made the big man stay at bay for now. He'd bend down to get another look at the man as the grip tightened on his hammer. "What es goin' on, Doc?" he yelled out as his head snapped to Jasmine's hand and he'd take a step forward, a weird feeling in his chest as he winced a bit "Do ya 'ave ta 'arm him...?" he asked her "What es dis disease he has...?" he asked, ignorant of what could be going on with him

The female voice takes over for a moment, slowly crawling forward. the white eyes seem to gleam and glow from across the bridge. "I am Zorkemath." whatever this things name was, it was not easily understood. "My pet here is about to expire. so here. The mangled figure plunges its own hand into its ankle bone, ripping and snapping a hunk of flesh out. She tosses it to the two "Have the big one pick it up so i can eat this one already!" she snaps.

Jasmine 's eyes start to glow, and being what she was, hard to pronounce names were a thing she completely knew, "Let him go so he can die in peace." She said in a low, but chilling, not calm, monotone, "Let the man go." she simply stated, and glanced at the hunk of flesh that had been torn from Alexander's ankle, "Big guy, Jaku, right? Don't touch the flesh." she hissed a warning.

With all this talk of death, the big man's lungs flared up a bit as he yelled out "Oi! Why es we speakin' o death?" anger and worry brimming in his voice. He'd look to the body of the man he knew and asked "Tell me wha ah muss do! Ah 'ave only just been graced wit yer kindness... et es too soon!" he said as he started to roll his shoulders. He'd take a couple more steps forward, the thuds booming the land around them as he glanced down to the flesh "He does not need ta die does he?" he asked Jasmine as his voice grew weak, something knotting up in his throat as he cleared it "Ya can 'eal him right?"

Alex stumbles back gripping the side of the bridge. Tendrils try to whip forward but fall just a foot shy of Jasmine and Jaku. He states "Our.... soul bond was broken... the... desperate bitch.... broke our contract. So we have been fighting" He lets out a nervous laugh, gesturing like is is talking over afternoon tea. his other hand has a death grip on the bridge "Worlds worst breakup..." He forced himself to take a step back, onto the now busted ankle. it makes a horrid sound. "At least... i got to say goodbye..." Alex shakes his head. "I THOUGHT WE HAD A DEAL!" the female voice snaps "Oh look whos pissed about being lied to... *Thats a unfamiliar feeling." Alex retorts.

Jasmine held her hand to the side, to keep Jaku from getting closer, "Sir, do not get closer." She said softly to him, "I'm no healer, but I can at least sort out what the fuck is going on." She glanced up at him, the air around her, the closer he got, seemed to feel as if one stepped out into a frigid December morning, and the shadows made the wood of the bridge start to look like a yawning pit between them and Alexander and his ... friend. She then lunged forward, popping the cap from the bottle. The Clear, but glowing liquid getting slung from the hand of the Dark Elven looking woman. She goes silent, the air dead around her, the prep of attack having been done subtly ((I will be rolling attack))

[07:10] Jasmine rolled against Alexander Daywalker, using 1d20(+bias 1), scoring 9 (8+1), versus 1d20, scoring 6 (6) for Bottle of Blessed Water to sprinkle the Elenor Entity, and SUCCEEDED!  (9v6) - Health now 2

[07:11] Alexander Daywalker rolled 1d20 for Alex tries to catch whips (10 to pass), and rolled 13 (13)

The parts that are Elinore Sizzle and boil. The entity screams and hollers with a horrible guttural sound. Tendrils try to whip out. Alex reacts quickly and grabs them himself, slamming them down instead of attacking "HA!" some color comes back to his eyes.

Jaku halted at Jasmine's gesture as he felt the air. It reminded him of the peaks he roamed and before he knew it, she was off. He snapped his head up and they were already at it. All he could do was stand and watch as he stood frozen, not able to utter a word... (Y'all can skip over me)

Jasmine finishes the bottle of water on the body of the infected man, and soon the gaping hole of shadow spits out it's own tendrils, long, whip-like, spike-like and as if they know what is expected, reaches to intertwine with the Abyssal tentacles on Alexander, and begin to pull.. pull them out of the man. ((Rolling attack))

[07:16] Jasmine rolled against Alexander Daywalker, using 1d20(+bias 1), scoring 19 (18+1), versus 1d20, scoring 20 (20) for The Shadow Meets and attacks the Abyss, and FAILED!  (19v20)

"NO!" Alex shouts, loosing control, Elinore Grips Jasmine's tendrils and attempts to swing her into a wall. (rolling!))

[07:18] Alexander Daywalker rolled against Jasmine, using 1d20(+bias 5), scoring 18 (13+5), versus 1d20(+bias 2), scoring 20 (18+2) for Elinore: Eldrich body slam!, and FAILED!  (18v20)

Jasmine stood strong, but with a small twitch of surprise that the creature fought back as strongly as she did. Jasmine's hands reach out, and the Shadow Tendrils start to wrap around Alex in general, lifting him from the ground, but not far, only a foot or so. They wrestle with Elanor, again, trying to pull Elanor from Alexander, like combing a snarl out of a matted head of hair... (rolling again!)

[07:21] Jasmine rolled against Alexander Daywalker, using 1d20(+bias 1), scoring 16 (15+1), versus 1d20, scoring 5 (5) for Shadow V Abyss, pull Elanor from Alexander, and SUCCEEDED!  (16v5) - Health now 1

[07:23] Alexander Daywalker rolled 1d20 for Alex tries to block Elenore again (10 to pass), and rolled 3 (3)

The creature gnashes and bites savagely in response to the assault. tendrils whipping everywhere. Alex tries desperately to breathe while he is held. He tries to block another attack but is unsuccessful. (rolling attack))

[07:24] Alexander Daywalker rolled against Jasmine, using 1d20(+bias 5), scoring 17 (12+5), versus 1d20(+bias 2), scoring 7 (5+2) for Eninore bites and slashes in retaliation, and SUCCEEDED!  (17v7) - Health now 2

Jasmine feels the attack from Elanor, and doubles down, snarling, and a small wisp of dark leaves her lips, out and down, like a heavy cigar smoke, but dark as the shadows in the Bridge. Her hands twist and turn, manipulating the shadows which seem to be getting the upper hand on the Abyssal Entity. In fact, she seems to shift herself, tendrils of dark appear around her head, forming in, through her hat, around her ears... ((rolling to get this thing OUT of our boi here))

[07:29] Jasmine rolled against Alexander Daywalker, using 1d20(+bias 1), scoring 4 (3+1), versus 1d20, scoring 1 (1) for Final Draw? Shadow V Abyssal, To remove Elanor from Alexander, and SUCCEEDED!  (4v1) - Health now 0

Elenore Is finally ripped from Alex's body. The sickly man drops to the floor like a sack of potatoes. The tattoo over his neck fades. The entity would be stuck, rapidly shedding crystals and teeth all over the floor of the bridge, totally at the mercy of jasmine.

"There et goes!" Jaku yelled out, pointing at the entity on the floor...

Jasmine looks to Jaku now, her grip firm on Elanor, "Jaku! Get the man! Take him somewhere... Somewhere where he can be tended by healers! NOT the Mead Hall! There are too many innocents in there!" she hisses at him, not sure if Alexander CAN hurt anyone, but not wanting to take that chance. She advances across the bridge, dragging Elanor with her, away from the Claw Territory, "Let's get you bound into something nice and tight... Unless you wish to return to your abyssal home, never to return?" She looks into the writhing mass of darkness as it is drug along.

Jaku blinked repeatedly as he thought about the demand coming from her. He'd put the hammer in his apron "Aye!" he said as he ran over, coming to a sliding stop as his knee stopped inches from his face. He'd bend down to hold the man up like a princess as he started to run off but he paused. He looked back to Jasmine "M-make sure ya kill dat ting yeh?" he sounded scared of the thing- the unknown.

Alex blinked, gasping for air. "Is...I...." He coughs, spitting up blood. His eyes seem to lull lazily to the back of his head. the once twitching eyes on his knee slowly stop moving, looking more glazed over than before.

Jasmine fishes around in one of her hip pouches, pulling out what looks to be a metallic container. She sets it on the ground, and lifts one of her chained tomes from the other hip. She lifts the lid with one toe, swinging it wide open, and like a ghostbuster trap, it seems to glow from the opening... She opens her tome to a certain page, and begins to read the spell, spoken in a language that almost sounded abyssal, like how the entity spoke its name... and in that spell, she did indeed invoke the name that the entity foolishly gave her. And a-la Ghostbusters, the writhing mass of darkness gets sucked into the box, lid snapping shut.

Once Jaku started to hear the foreign language, he knew something was going on. With that, he was off!

Jasmine picks up the box, and steps back into the shadows of the bridge, only to appear in the hold of her ship. She opens a door on the side of the hull, where another yawning cavern seems to await. She steps inside that one, then looks around. Boxes and bottles, scrolls and glass cases fill this room.. a few are inhabited, but there are plenty of empty glass cases... Jasmine sets the box inside one of the cases, and locks it as well... "Now.. I need a fucking bath." She mutters, glaring at the captured entity's new 'home'

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