Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Short, Sweet, to the Point, OR: A Trident for a Boon

 Jasmine winged over the sleeping village from over the choppy waves. Once near her Land Quarters, she slipped down into the shadows, shifting smoothly, effortlessly, into her Drow Aspect. When she entered, she began to scrounge through the books and scrolls for something in particular. When she couldn’t find it, she went to the Tavern, meeting up with O’thar and Barrett, and soon after, Jhilsara. They chatted for a little bit, but then Jhilsara asked for a special favor. 

The food that Jasmine had ordered, she asked to be sent to her Land Quarters, for later consumption, and followed Jhilsara to the Viking Docks. There, she was asked a favor, but the cost could be steep. A special gift for someone in the Claw? Jasmine was right on that. She whispered to her shadows, to Smitty, “Turn the Maid about, come back to Claw’s Port. We have work to do. Have the Mers fetch a Trident. Have the Sorcerers start to enchant with what they have, these special things. And when the ship arrives at port, I will take a look at what is available for permanently enchanting the damn thing.”

She looked to Jhilsara, “We are on the job. You just let me know if there is more I can do. The Briny Maid is at your disposal. All I ask is you take care of my Cat. And don’t give Galen grief, unless it is all in fun.” She added as an afterthought, “He’s good people, and the Cat is one of the few I would trust with my own life.”  

Once the pieces were in motion, she went back to her Land Quarters, and began to read up on spells, components and the like. Once she finishes there, she steps out into the night, looking for a good place to hunt. Her dinner that was sent home to her Land Quarters, just didn’t take the edge off her hunger. 

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